You live a healthy lifestyle and do your best to stay in shape, but no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get rid of that double chin. It’s one of the biggest frustrations for people of all body types and ages. Fortunately, there’s an injectable treatment for that!

You can sculpt a sleek, slim jawline and neck with KYBELLA double chin treatment, available at our Ankeny, IA, dermatology clinic and spa near Des Moines. Kybella can also be used to dissolve small pockets of fat anywhere, including jowls, ankles, anterior bra fat, back bra fat, and banana rolls beneath the bottom.








4 - 6 WEEKS


KYBELLA is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that dissolves fat below the chin, also called submental fat. It’s made of deoxycholic acid, an acid found naturally in our bodies that breaks down dietary fat. When injected below the chin, KYBELLA dissolves the fat cells in the area to minimize the look of a double chin. Kybella can also be used to dissolve small pockets of fat, including jowls, cankles, anterior bra fat, back bra fat, and more.

If you’re looking to tighten lax skin around your jawline as well, you may also be a candidate for SkinTyte™.

What Are KYBELLA Treatments Like?

After discussing your goals with you, your experienced provider will inject the product along a custom-designed grid below your chin. We may use ice or a topical anesthetic to keep you comfortable throughout. Treatments typically take about 30 minutes.

What Is KYBELLA Recovery Like?

It’s normal to experience swelling below your chin for a few days and up to 2 weeks following your treatment. It’s best to avoid strenuous exercise for a couple of days after your treatment, but after that, you’ll be free to return to your usual routine.

How Many KYBELLA Treatments Will I Need?

Most people need between 2 and 4 sessions spaced a few weeks apart to see their best results. Expect to start seeing your results take shape about 4 to 6 weeks after your treatment. KYBELLA results are generally long-lasting; once the fat cells are broken down, they’re gone for good.

Where Do I Start?

If you would like to dissolve your double chin away with KYBELLA at Revive, please request a consultation online or call (888) 308-2485 to get started. We look forward to seeing you!