
Unwanted veins can be a real confidence killer. Whether it’s those tiny facial vessels that seem impossible to hide or the embarrassing spider veins on your legs, these imperfections can hold you back. Don’t let skin concerns get the best of you. ClearV offers a solution.






24 - 48 HOURS


2 -3 WEEKS

How does ClearV work?

ClearV delivers targeted and precise laser energy to gently eliminate vascular structures, which become less noticeable over time. ClearV is appropriate for all skin types (Fitzpatrick I – VI). Unlike other lasers, ClearV can be used year round.

What conditions can be treated with ClearV?

Visible vessels, Broken capillaries, Fine lines, Spider veins, Vascular lesions, Port wine stains, Skin discolorations, Rosacea, Warts


What areas of the body can be treated?

Any area on the body can be treated. Please shave the area that is being treated the night before.

What will happen during the procedure?

Your skin will be cleaned in the treatment area and your eyes will be protected with safety shields. The certified provider will position the laser handpiece with the cold crystal against the skin, with a small amount of gel. Depending on the size of the area being treated, the procedure usually lasts 30 minutes.

Will it be uncomfortable?

During treatment, you may feel a brief warm or hot sensation as the laser pulses are absorbed by the unwanted vessels.

What should I expect immediately after the treatment?

A sunburn sensation and slight soreness are normal and expected. This tends to subside in 24-48 hours after treatment. After the treatment the treated vessels could be swollen and hive-like. The following days, treated facial vessels may have a cat scratch appearance. After 48 hours, the skin over the area of treated veins will look slightly red, purple or bruised. Sometimes the veins will be more visible than before treatment. This is normal. Within the first 2-3 weeks, the redness and purple color will begin to fade.Each week the color will become lighter and less noticeable.To decrease any achiness or discomfort, and help reduce any bruising after treatment, support hose or an ace bandage can be used.

When should I expect results?

Within the first 2-3 weeks, the redness and purple color will begin to fade.Each week the color will become lighter and less noticeable. To decrease any achiness or discomfort, and help reduce any bruising after treatment, support hose or an ace bandage can be used.

Where do I start?

If you would like to reveal long-lasting smooth skin with ClearV at Revive, please request a consultation, book online, or call (888) 308-2485 to get started. We look forward to seeing you!

ClearV Treatment Before & Afters